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Kimberly Lier - Professional Communication Student at Fitchburg State University 


Kimberly Lier is a self-taught writer studying Professional Communication. Career interests include Broadcast Advertisement & Marketing Communication. â€‹â€‹In past projects, Kimberly has assumed the role of a social media analyst, where she developed successful attraction strategies to promote business through social media outlets such as Instagram and Facebook.


Throughout her years at Fitchburg State University, she has worked on various client projects, such as a Social Media Campaign for Sew-Together Quilt Shop in Tewksbury MA, A Proposal for Strong Style Coffee in Fitchburg, MA, A presentation & plansbook for the National Student Advertising Competition in the spring of 2020 with Adobe, and promoted and advertised a discussion about the "Ethics of Online Catfishing," she and her group were hosting through the Society of Philosophers in America (SOPHIA).


/ Public Relations 
/ Advertising 

/ Poster Design

/ Marketing Communication

/ Social Media Marketing


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